Did you know you can actually calculate and plot the values for SVXY and UVXY any time of day or night as long as VIX futures are trading? I went through a complicated explanation here so you can do it yourself and understand what goes into the calculations. Once you understand the calculation though, a simple shortcut is to use an index ticker known as SPVIXSTER. This is available on most trading platforms as well as Google and Yahoo quotes. An even nicer trick is that you can create a ThinkorSwim Thinkscript to plot the value you for you overnight! Basically SPVIXSTER is telling you the relative value of the 30-day weighted VIX future. The fund values of UVXY and SVXY are also available in realtime with the ticker UVXY.IV and SVXY.IV (or some variation thereof, depending on your specific broker). Now, although the fund values are not available after the 4:15 close, SPVIXSTER is reported around the clock as long as VIX futures are trading. See where I'm going with this? By ...
Thoughts and study from an amateur market enthusiast and avid VIX trader.